A shop sign design for Bud & Bloom, a plant shop.
A plant on a counter in front of wall covered in Bud & Bloom's brand pattern design.
Wrapping paper designed using Bud & Bloom's logo, brand pattern, and colours.

Bud & Bloom, a peaceful plant shop.

For this brand identity design, I wanted to keep it playful while still having it feel calm and simple. Upon hearing the name, I knew I wanted to incorporate something visual in the logo to represent a plant, and after choosing a font, the “L” became the obvious letter to play with!

I had fun using colours I don’t normally work with, and I tried to keep the palette related to plants without it being too cliche or generic. I used the flower “L” from the logo to create a pattern design and added a mature sans serif font to pair nicely with and contrast the bubbly cursive font.

For me, the biggest challenge was during the concept phase. I struggled to figure out which way to take this brand, wanting to get away from the elegant, heavily feminine brand designs typically used for plant shops. Though my design is still a bit feminine, I feel very happy with the overall direction, and I feel the playfulness of this design is exactly what I was aiming for.




Oh Mochi!