Label designs for Hot Stuff's hot sauce bottles.
A social media post design for Hot Stuff's hot sauce Instagram account.
Hot Stuff's stickers using their logo designs.

Hot Stuff, a spicy hot sauce brand.

How many hot sauces do you see on the shelves at your grocery store that use the colour red? I’m guessing most? And with good reason—red is the perfect colour for peppers, spice, and heat. But I wanted to experiment and try using a different colour for this brand identity design that would make this hot sauce stand out from its competitors.

I decided to use black and an array of greens for this design, with an emphasis on the highlighter green. They have great contrast, the bright green can give a feeling of danger which I used to refer to the heat of the sauce, and these colours paired with the cursive font give this brand a hot and sexy confidence and boldness I felt the brand deserved.

A business card design for employees of Hot Stuff, a hot sauce brand.

Oh Mochi!


Mind & Soul